Join Our Team and Meet the Boston Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists!

Are you passionate about promoting diversity, equality, and fair employment opportunities in the building trades? If so, we invite you to scroll down and meet the incredible individuals who make up the Boston Chapter of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists. Our team is comprised of dedicated professionals who are actively working towards breaking down barriers and ensuring that Black men and women have access to gainful employment through local unions. Get inspired by their stories, expertise, and unwavering commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable industry. Together, we can make a lasting impact. Scroll down and meet the remarkable members of our team!

Boston Chapter - Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.

  • Jamie Wallace brings decades of experience as an industrial glass worker and a deep commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the building trades. Starting his career in 1995, Jamie became one of the few Black members in a union of 300 workers. Today, he estimates only around 50 Black members are in the union, highlighting the need for more excellent representation.

    Recognizing the pressing need for change, Jamie spearheaded the revitalization of the Boston Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, successfully obtaining a charter on May 29th, 2022. The chapter's core objective is to ensure that Black men and women gain access to gainful employment through local unions in the building trades. However, Jamie acknowledges the multitude of challenges that lie ahead.

    Despite Boston's increasingly diverse population, the construction workforce has not kept pace with these demographic shifts. City data reveals that white workers still dominate the industry, comprising around 63% of the workforce on major construction projects in 2021. Meanwhile, Black workers have consistently accounted for only 12% to 14% of the workforce since 2012.

    Furthermore, a stark racial disparity persists as one looks higher up the construction hierarchy. In roles such as elevator construction, equipment operation, and glazing, the overwhelming majority of hours worked are by white individuals. On the other hand, lower-paying and more hazardous positions tend to attract a higher proportion of workers of color.

    Jamie's dedication to equity extends beyond the workplace. He recognizes the presence of systemic racism within the industry, with incidents of racial slurs, offensive jokes, and discriminatory actions going unchecked. Jamie, armed with his belief in the need for structural change, actively addresses these issues while advocating for the rights and dignity of all workers.

    As the President of the Boston Chapter, Jamie Wallace remains committed to dismantling barriers, promoting diversity, and fostering a culture of inclusivity within the building trades. His tireless efforts serve as a beacon of hope for a more equitable future for all workers.